So, here goes. If you want to cut just the video from a clip in the viewer into your sequence there's an easier way than going down and clicking your audio target buttons to the off position in the timeline. All you need to do is instead of marking your in and out points in the viewer with the "i" and "o" buttons, use control +"i" and control + "o". Do this in the viewer only for it to work. For most reliable results. Don't mark points in your sequence, just have the tapehead (that's what the Apple folks call the timeline indicator thingy) parked at the frame you want to cut your shot in on. Hit F9 or F10 and voila, video with no audio without the need for turning off and on any audio targets in your sequence.
You'll have to decide when the right time to use it is, but when you are switching back and forth from cutting audio + video and just video a lot sounds like a good time to me.
You'll have to decide when the right time to use it is, but when you are switching back and forth from cutting audio + video and just video a lot sounds like a good time to me.
Another great one. I wasn't getting it work until I cleared the in and out on the viewer (which should have been obvious, but then that's probably why I overlooked it).