Saturday, November 27, 2010

The 12 Tuts of Christmas Part 1

 I've recently realized that just because I've been a little busy lately doesn't have to mean I can't share the knowledge with my peeps.  Busy or not, I tend to watch a lot of tutorials.  Why not, I thought, share the ones I find valuable with the 3 cool people who check in on my blog?  I'm going to try to do twelve before the end of the year.  But I was also going to try to eat better, exercise and work less this year and we all can see how that worked out.  Anyway, these babies are all guaranteed to be 4 stars or above based on a rigorous 16 point criteria system that I will outline below in the next two paragraphs.  Take it easy, just kidding friend, like my old pal Mr. T, I don't have time for all that jibber jabber.  I'm just serving them straight up for your holiday enjoyment.

Here's the first by Harry Frank.  He does tutorials on his site and as best I can tell, he's like a super-genius, or at minimum an extra-strength-genius.  This tutorial explains an awesome set of FREE presets that Harry has written, or improved, and posted for download here.  Look at some of his other stuff when you are done watching this, you will not be disappointed.

Graymachine Super Awesome Presets Volume 0001 from graymachine on Vimeo.