Here is the next tip in a long line of "things I wish I had known when I started using Final Cut Pro." I'm finding even many veteran users haven't picked up on this one and it's so darn handy I need to share it with the world. Nudging a clip in space in your canvas window without dragging it around with the mouse but by using the arrow keys like you would in After Effects. It can be done and it's too easy, it's just not obvious unless you break out the manual occasionally.
OK, get ready to have your mind blown. First, make sure "image + wireframe" is selected for your canvas window. Second, click on the clip or graphic, or whatever, you want to move in the canvas window. You should see an indication that it is selected. Now, while holding the option key, press any of the 4 directional arrow keys on your keyboard and you should see your clip moving around in space. This is a much more precise way of positioning of clips/graphics than by using the mouse. To Sum up, grab the clip, press option, then press an arrow key to move it. Look at that, just like in After Effects, sort of. Ok now get in your time machines and go fix those old projects.
Wow, that's an amazingly helpful tip. How the hell did you discover that one?